How to get to MARUCHA?
Public transport routes that pass next to this place
Nearby stops
- 134.0521814, 34.3390256
- 134.0521473, 34.3388513
- 田町
- 南新町
- 134.04821900000002, 34.3399896
- 134.0521514, 34.3388715
- 134.0475596, 34.3404813
- 瓦町
- 134.0487309, 34.3399017
- 瓦町
- 134.0489785, 34.3369822
- 134.0521294, 34.3387631
- 134.0475178, 34.337250000000004
- 田町
- 中新町
- 134.0521219, 34.3387252
- 県庁通り中央公園前
- 134.04850620000002, 34.3369887
- 県庁通り中央公園前
- 134.0476984, 34.3404165
- 南新町
- 134.05208480000002, 34.3386104