Stop 県庁・日赤前
Public transport routes that stop in this stop
Public transport routes that pass nearby of this stop (do not stop here)
Points of interest nearby
Other stops near
- 市役所西
- 134.0455971, 34.3424846
- 高松市役所
- 134.0468171, 34.342274100000004
- 134.0447024, 34.3420385
- 134.0475596, 34.3404813
- 134.04533080000002, 34.3424701
- 134.04447100000002, 34.3400443
- 市役所西
- 134.0470917, 34.342162200000004
- 県庁・日赤前
- 高松市役所
- 県庁通り中央公園前
- 県庁通り中央公園前
- 134.0476984, 34.3404165
- 134.04811370000002, 34.3430886
- 五番町
- 134.0479735, 34.3431444
- 五番町
- 134.0452516, 34.3440451
- 高松商工会議所前
- 高松商工会議所前