Stop Barrio Selim Shible
Public transport routes that stop in this stop
Public transport routes that pass nearby of this stop (do not stop here)
Points of interest nearby
Other stops near
- Nabisco
- -86.2260081, 12.150874700000001
- Comedor Fátima
- -86.22914510000001, 12.1568477
- Colegio Público Santa Clara
- -86.2240428, 12.155989400000001
- -86.22513790000001, 12.1505024
- Casa de las Mangueras
- -86.22749920000001, 12.155789
- Santa Clara
- Comedor Fátima
- Agricons
- -86.2270525, 12.1539017
- Barrio Selim Shible
- Disagro
- -86.224027, 12.1514919
- Universidad Central de Nicaragua
- -86.2239029, 12.1512966
- Sucursal Norte - DISSUR
- -86.2242403, 12.153426600000001
- Disagro
- -86.2267138, 12.153988700000001
- -86.22949770000001, 12.1537605
- Agricons
- -86.2295294, 12.1566223
- Colegio Público Santa Clara