Stop -85.9196661, 12.9257819
Public transport routes that stop in this stop
Public transport routes that pass nearby of this stop (do not stop here)
Points of interest nearby
Other stops near
- Registro
- Parque Darío
- -85.92086950000001, 12.9225793
- -85.91963340000001, 12.9258371
- -85.9175029, 12.9227042
- -85.9174859, 12.922694600000002
- -85.91736900000001, 12.923770800000002
- -85.91733500000001, 12.923753300000001
- -85.91800710000001, 12.9255241
- -85.9200373, 12.922067700000001
- Parque Rubén Darío Sur
- -85.91928030000001, 12.924990600000001
- Casa de la Novia
- -85.91905750000001, 12.925854000000001
- Tienda Yamila
- -85.92126560000001, 12.9230073
- Registro
- -85.9197975, 12.9222493
- -85.9198119, 12.922146000000001
- Hotel Bermúdez
- -85.9178691, 12.922483600000001
- -85.9199329, 12.922484200000001
- Parque Rubén Darío Norte
- Radio La Yes
- -85.9201019, 12.9218223
- Parque Rubén Darío (Oeste)
- -85.9196563, 12.925623600000002
- -85.91638370000001, 12.924152900000001
- Los billares
- -85.9167965, 12.925136400000001
- Casa departamental
- -85.9166855, 12.9263501
- Los billares
- -85.91917670000001, 12.9275944
- Policía
- -85.9187981, 12.927862200000002
- Parque Morazán (Sur)
- -85.9180711, 12.9280071
- Parque Morazán (Este)
- Parque Morazán (Oeste)
- -85.91849400000001, 12.929408
- Need Name
- -85.92146050000001, 12.9277747
- -85.9184019, 12.929363400000002
- -85.9189656, 12.9282374
- Parque Morazán (Oeste)
- -85.9161856, 12.927725200000001
- Mercadito Campesino
- -85.9163633, 12.9274637
- Mercado Campesino