Star users
South Holland
TU - Mekelpark
Stop TU - Mekelpark
Public transport routes that stop in this stop
- Bus 174: Delft Station Delft => Rotterdam Station Noord
- Bus 40: Delft Station Delft => Rotterdam Centraal
- Bus 69: Delft Station => Delft Technopolis
Public transport routes that pass nearby of this stop (do not stop here)
- Bus 174: Delft Station Delft => Rotterdam Station Noord
- Bus 174: Rotterdam Station Noord => Delft Station Delft
- Bus 40: Delft Station Delft => Rotterdam Centraal
- Bus 40: Rotterdam Centraal => Delft Station Delft
- Bus 69: Delft Station => Delft Technopolis
- Bus 69: Delft Technopolis => Delft Station
Points of interest nearby
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences
Graslok bench
Computer Sciences
Café Labs
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics & Computer Science
Servicepunt 3mE
Faculty of Applied Sciences
The Hangout
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Food Station
Freezone D
Freezone E
Freezone C
Freezone F
Freezone H
Other stops near
Delft, TU - Sport & Cultuur
TU - Sport & Cultuur
Delft, TU - Mekelpark
TU - Mekelpark
Delft, TU - Aula
TU - Aula
TU - Aula
Delft, TU - Mekelpark
Delft, TU - Aula
Delft, TU - Aula
TU - Aula
Delft, TU - Aula
TU - Aula