Usuarios estrella
Nueva Zelanda
Christchurch City
Linwood-Central-Heathcote Community
Black and White coffee Cartel
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Black and White coffee Cartel
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Recorridos de transporte público que pasan por este lugar
- 3 Sheffield Crescent to Sumner
- 3 Sumner to Airport
- 3 Sumner to Sheffield Crescent
- 5 New Brighton to Rolleston
- 5 Rolleston to New Brighton
- 5 Rolleston to New Brighton
- 60 Hillmorton to Southshore
- 60 Southshore to Hillmorton
- 7 Halswell to Queenspark
- 7 Queenspark to Halswell
- 80 Lincoln to Parklands
- 80 Parklands to Lincoln
- 86 Christchurch - Darfield
- 86 Darfield - Christchurch
- Purple Line (Airport-Sumner)
Paradas cercanas
Christchurch Hospital Main Stop WB
St Asaph St near Montreal St
Christchurch Hospital Main Stop EB