Star users
Blk 505C
Stop Blk 505C
Public transport routes that stop in this stop
- Svc 805 (Yishun Temporary Interchange => Yishun Temporary Interchange)
Public transport routes that pass nearby of this stop (do not stop here)
- Svc 804 (Yishun Temporary Interchange => Yishun Temporary Interchange)
- Svc 805 (Yishun Temporary Interchange => Yishun Temporary Interchange)
- Svc 807A (Yishun Interchange → Khatib Station Exit D)
- Svc 807B (Yishun Interchange → Jiemin Primary School)
- Svc 807 (Roundtrip from Yishun Interchange)
- Svc 850E (Blk 432C → Opposite MAS Building)
- Svc 850E (Hub Synergy Point → Blk 456)
- Svc 860 (Yishun Interchange => Yishun Interchange)
Points of interest nearby
Other stops near
Blk 432C
Blk 456
Between Blks 445/449
Blk 672C
Opposite Northbrooks Secondary School
Opposite Blk 445
Blk 676 Carpark
Blk 671 Carpark
Opposite The Shaughnessy
Blk 504C
The Shaughnessy
Opposite Blk 672C