وارد شدن
کاربران ستاره
ایالات متحده آمریکا
سان فرانسیسکو
سان فرانسیسکو
Cathay Express Restaurant
چگونه به آن برسیم
Cathay Express Restaurant
اولین نظر را بنویسید
در نقشه تعاملی مشاهده کنید
مسیرهای حمل و نقل عمومی که کنار این مکان می گذرد
- Muni 22 inbound: Potrero Hill => The Marina
- Muni 22 outbound: The Marina => Potrero Hill
- Muni L-Bus inbound: SF Zoo => Downtown (weekend early mornings)
- Muni L-Bus outbound: Downtown => SF Zoo (weekend early mornings)
- Muni L-Owl outbound: Fisherman's Wharf => SF Zoo (late nights)
- Muni N-Bus inbound: Ocean Beach => Caltrain (weekend early mornings)
- Muni N-Bus outbound: Caltrain => Ocean Beach (weekend early mornings)
- Muni T-Bus inbound: Castro => Sunnydale (weekend early mornings)
- Muni T-Bus outbound: Sunnydale => Castro (weekend early mornings)
ایستگاه های نزدیک
Market Street & Dolores Street
Market Street & Church Street
Market Street & Church Street
Church Street & Duboce Avenue
Church Street & Duboce Avenue
Market Street & Sanchez Street
Hermann Street & Fillmore Street
Hermann Street & Fillmore Street
Hermann Street & Fillmore Street
Church Street & Duboce Avenue
Church Street & Market Street
Church Street & Duboce Avenue
Church Street & Market Street
Church Street & 14th Street
Duboce Avenue & Church Street
Church Street & Market Street
Hermann Street & Fillmore Street