Ouverture de session
Utilisateurs étoile
États-Unis d'Amérique
Comté d'Alameda
Fruitvale Congregational Church
Comment arriver à
Fruitvale Congregational Church
rédigez le premier avis
lieu de culte
Voir sur la carte interactive
Itinéraires de transports publics qui passent à côté de cet endroit
- AC Transit 20: Dimond District => Downtown Oakland
- AC Transit 20: Dimond District => South Shore Center (late nights)
- AC Transit 20: Downtown Oakland => Dimond District
- AC Transit 20: South Shore Center => Dimond District (late nights)
- AC Transit 21: Dimond District => Harbor Bay Ferry Terminal => Oakland International Airport (mornings)
- AC Transit 21: Dimond District => Oakland International Airport
- AC Transit 21: Oakland International Airport => Dimond District
- AC Transit 21: Oakland International Airport => Harbor Bay Ferry Terminal => Dimond District (evenings)
- AC Transit 339: Chabot Space and Science Center => Fruitvale BART
- AC Transit 339: Fruitvale BART => Chabot Space and Science Center
Arrêts à proximité
Fruitvale Avenue & East 16th Street
International Boulevard & Fruitvale Avenue
Fruitvale Avenue & International Boulevard
Fruitvale Avenue & East 16th Street
Fruitvale Avenue & East 16th Street
Fruitvale Avenue & East 18th Street
Fruitvale Avenue & East 18th Street
Fruitvale Avenue & East 18th Street
Fruitvale Avenue & International Boulevard
Fruitvale Avenue & East 18th Street
Fruitvale Avenue & East 16th Street