스타 사용자
Mecklenburg County
Moe's Southwest Grill
에가는 방법
Moe's Southwest Grill
첫 번째 리뷰 작성
패스트 푸드
이 장소 옆을 통과하는 대중 교통 노선
- CATS 14 Providence Road
- CATS MetroRAPID 48X Northcross Express (inbound)
- CATS MetroRAPID 48X Northcross Express (inbound, alternate)
- CATS MetroRAPID 48X Northcross Express (outbound, alternate)
- CATS MetroRAPID 48X Northcross Express (outbound, weekday evening)
- CATS MetroRAPID 48X Northcross Express (outbound, weekday morning)
- CATS MetroRAPID 53X Northlake Express (inbound)
- CATS MetroRAPID 53X Northlake Express (outbound)
- CATS MetroRAPID 63X Huntersville Express (inbound, weekday afternoon)
- CATS MetroRAPID 63X Huntersville Express (inbound, weekday midday and evening)
- CATS MetroRAPID 63X Huntersville Express (inbound, weekday morning)
- CATS MetroRAPID 63X Huntersville Express (outbound, weekday afternoon)
- CATS MetroRAPID 63X Huntersville Express (outbound, weekday midday and evening)
- CATS MetroRAPID 63X Huntersville Express (outbound, weekday morning)
- CATS MetroRAPID 77X North Mecklenburg Express (inbound, weekday evening)
- CATS MetroRAPID 77X North Mecklenburg Express (inbound, weekday morning)
- CATS MetroRAPID 77X North Mecklenburg Express (outbound, weekday evening)
- CATS MetroRAPID 77X North Mecklenburg Express (outbound, weekday morning)
- LYNX Blue Line (northbound)
- LYNX Blue Line (southbound)
주변 정거장
3rd St/Conv. Center