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Estados Unidos de América
Centre County
State College
The Basement Nightspot
Cómo llegar a
The Basement Nightspot
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Recorridos de transporte público que pasan por este lugar
- Bus A: Campus and Downtown -> Overlook Heights -> Park Hills -> Park Forest Village
- Bus A: Park Forest Village -> Campus and Downtown
- Bus B: Boalsburg Village -> Campus and Downtown
- Bus B: Campus and Downtown -> Liberty Hill -> Willowbrook -> Centre Estates -> Country Place -> Boalsburg Village
- Bus BL
- Bus C: Campus and Downtown -> Clover Highlands -> Houserville -> Spring Creek Estates -> Penn Hills
- Bus C: Penn Hills -> Spring Creek Estates -> Houserville -> Clover Highlands -> Campus and Downtown
- Bus DT: Beaver Stadium -> Easterly Parkway -> Downtown -> Beaver Stadium
- Bus F: Campus and Downtown -> Greentree -> Pine Grove Mills -> The Meadows
- Bus F: Campus and Downtown -> Greentree -> The Meadows
- Bus F: The Meadows -> Greentree -> Campus and Downtown
- Bus F: The Meadows -> Pine Grove Mills -> Greentree -> Campus and Downtown
- Bus G: Campus and Downtown -> Vista Woods -> Graysdale -> Grays Woods
- Bus G: Grays Woods -> Graysdale -> Vista Woods -> Campus and Downtown
- Bus HM: Nittany Mall -> Lemont -> Campus and Downtown -> Toftrees
- Bus HM: Nittany Mall -> Lemont -> Campus and Downtown -> Village at Penn State -> Toftrees
- Bus HM: Toftrees -> Campus and Downtown -> Lemont -> Nittany Mall
- Bus HM: Toftrees -> Village at Penn State -> Campus and Downtown -> Lemont -> Nittany Mall
- Bus HU: Toftrees -> Campus and Downtown -> University Terrace
- Bus HU: University Terrace -> Campus and Downtown -> Toftrees
- Bus K: Campus and Downtown -> West College Avenue -> Old Gatesburg Road -> Bristol Park -> Cato Park
- Bus K: Cato Park -> Bristol Park -> Old Gatesburg Road -> West College Avenue -> Campus and Downtown
- Bus N: Campus and Downtown -> Northland Center -> Martin Street -> Aaron Drive -> The Colonnade
- Bus N: The Colonnade -> Aaron Drive -> Martin Street -> Northland Center -> Campus and Downtown
- Bus NV: Campus and Downtown -> Havershire Boulevard -> Martin Street -> Aaron Drive -> Vairo Boulevard -> Toftrees Avenue -> Campus and Downtown
- Bus P: Campus and Downtown -> Foxdale -> Hills Plaza -> Mt. Nittany Residences -> Scenery Park -> Boalsburg -> Tussey Mountain
- Bus P: Tussey Mountain -> Boalsburg -> Scenery Park -> Mt. Nittany Residences -> Hills Plaza -> Foxdale -> Campus and Downtown
- Bus R: Campus and Downtown -> Waupelani Drive
- Bus RP: Downtown -> Waupelani Drive
- Bus RP: Waupelani Drive -> Downtown
- Bus R: Waupelani Drive -> Campus and Downtown
- Bus S: Campus and Downtown -> Brackenridge -> Science Park
- Bus S: Campus and Downtown -> Science Park
- Bus S: Science Park -> Brackenridge -> Campus and Downtown
- Bus S: Science Park -> Campus and Downtown
- Bus V: Campus and Downtown -> North Atherton Place -> Vairo Boulevard -> The Colonnade
- Bus VN: Downtown -> Toftrees Avenue -> Vairo Boulevard -> The Colonnade -> Aaron Drive -> Martin Street -> Havershire Boulevard -> Downtown
- Bus V: The Colonnade -> Vairo Boulevard -> North Atherton Place -> Campus and Downtown
- Bus W: Campus and Downtown -> Northland Center -> The Heights -> Oak Hill Apartments -> Valley Vista Drive -> CVIM -> Geisinger Grays Woods
- Bus W: Geisinger Grays Woods -> Valley Vista Drive -> Oak Hill Apartments -> The Heights -> Northland Center -> Campus and Downtown
- Bus WL
- Bus XB: Bellefonte -> Nittany Mall -> Campus and Downtown
- Bus XB: Downtown -> Nittany Mall -> Bellefonte
- Bus XG: Bellefonte -> Pleasant Gap -> Nittany Mall -> Campus and Downtown
- Bus XG: Downtown -> Nittany Mall -> Pleasant Gap -> Bellefonte
Paradas cercanas
East College Avenue at South Allen Street
South Burrowes Street at the James Elliott Building
Beaver Avenue at Schlow Library/CATA Office
South Burrowes Street at Calder Way
South Pugh Street at East College Avenue