스타 사용자
-76.6098486, 39.3539655
버스 정류장 -76.6098486, 39.3539655
Leaflet | © Cualbondi & OpenStreetMap contributors
이 정류장에서 정차하는 대중 교통 노선
- CityLink Red: Lutherville Light Rail Stop
- CityLink Red: Towson Town Center
- LocalLink 52: Stella Maris
이 정류장 근처를 경유하는 대중 교통 노선 (여기서는 중단하지 마십시오)
- CityLink Red: Lutherville Light Rail Stop
- CityLink Red: Towson Town Center
- CityLink Red: University of Maryland Transit Center
- CityLink Red: University of Maryland Transit Center
- LocalLink 52: Greenmount North
- LocalLink 52: Stella Maris
근처의 관심 장소
Antioch Church
Shepherd's Heart Missionary Baptist Church
Davita Dialysis
Govans-Boundary Parish United Methodist Church
인근의 다른 정류장
York Road & Glenwood Avenue Northbound
-76.60989140000001, 39.35533
-76.60976240000001, 39.3517012
York Road & Woodbourne Avenue Northbound
-76.6097293, 39.350504300000004
York Road & Beaumont Avenue Northbound Near-side
York Road & Winston Avenue Far-side Northbound
-76.6098386, 39.353704900000004
York Road & Glenwood Avenue Far-side Southbound
-76.609896, 39.3556776
York Road & Woodbourne Avenue Southbound
-76.6097179, 39.3502096
York Road & Winston Avenue Southbound
-76.609773, 39.3520452
York Road & Notre Dame Lane Southbound