스타 사용자
San Mateo
San Mateo County
Hacienda Street & 28th Avenue
버스 정류장 Hacienda Street & 28th Avenue
이 정류장에서 정차하는 대중 교통 노선
- SamTrans 294: San Mateo Medical Center => College of San Mateo => Main & Poplar (pm)
- SamTrans 294: San Mateo Medical Center => Main & Poplar (am and weekends)
이 정류장 근처를 경유하는 대중 교통 노선 (여기서는 중단하지 마십시오)
- SamTrans 251: Hillsdale Shopping Center => Foster City
- SamTrans 256: Hillsdale Shopping Center => Foster City
- SamTrans 294: Main & Poplar => College of San Mateo => San Mateo Medical Center (am)
- SamTrans 294: Main & Poplar => San Mateo Medical Center (pm and weekends)
- SamTrans 294: San Mateo Medical Center => College of San Mateo => Main & Poplar (pm)
- SamTrans 294: San Mateo Medical Center => Main & Poplar (am and weekends)
- SamTrans 295: San Mateo Caltrain => Cordilleras Center => Redwood City Transit Center (mornings)
- SamTrans 295: San Mateo Caltrain => Redwood City Transit Center
근처의 관심 장소
Saint Gregory Roman Catholic Church
Beresford Park Elementary School
First Christian Church
Saint Gregory Elementary School
인근의 다른 정류장
28th Avenue & Hacienda Street
28th Avenue & Hacienda Street
28th Avenue & Alameda de las Pulgas
28th Avenue & Alameda de las Pulgas
Hacienda Street & 28th Avenue
28th Avenue & Juniper Street
28th Avenue & Juniper Street