Star users
Orange County
North Carolina
United States
Merritt Mill Road at Roberts Street
Stop Merritt Mill Road at Roberts Street
Public transport routes that stop in this stop
- CHT Route CM: Family Medicine Center → Jones Ferry Park and Ride Lot
- CHT Route J: Jones Ferry → Rock Haven Road (AM schedule)
- CHT Route J: Jones Ferry → Rock Haven Road (PM schedule)
- CHT Route JN: Estes Park → Rock Creek
Public transport routes that pass nearby of this stop (do not stop here)
- CHT Route CM: Family Medicine Center → Jones Ferry Park and Ride Lot
- CHT Route CM: Jones Ferry Park and Ride Lot → Family Medicine Center
- CHT Route CM: Jones Ferry Park and Ride Lot → Pittsboro Street
- CHT Route CM: Pittsboro Street → Jones Ferry Park and Ride Lot
- CHT Route CPX
- CHT Route JFX
- CHT Route J: Jones Ferry → Rock Haven Road (AM schedule)
- CHT Route J: Jones Ferry → Rock Haven Road (PM schedule)
- CHT Route JN: Estes Park → Rock Creek
- CHT Route JN: Rock Creek → Estes Park
- CHT Route J Safe Ride
Points of interest nearby
Public Storage
Other stops near
Smith Level Road at Public Works Department
Smith Level Road at Frank Porter Graham School