스타 사용자
Philadelphia County
63rd Street & Lansdowne Avenue
버스 정류장 63rd Street & Lansdowne Avenue
이 정류장에서 정차하는 대중 교통 노선
- SEPTA 10 (diverted): Malvern Loop → 40th & Market
- SEPTA 10: Malvern Loop → Center City
이 정류장 근처를 경유하는 대중 교통 노선 (여기서는 중단하지 마십시오)
- SEPTA 10: Center City → Malvern Loop
- SEPTA 10 (diverted): 40th & Market → Malvern Loop
- SEPTA 10 (diverted): Malvern Loop → 40th & Market
- SEPTA 10: Malvern Loop → Center City
- SEPTA 31 (76th-City to City Hall)
- SEPTA 31 (City Hall to 76th-City)
근처의 관심 장소
Manna Outreach Worship Center
Community Holiness Church
Good Samaritan Baptist Church
Good Samaritan Baptist Church
Good Shepherd Church
Overbrook Station Post Office
인근의 다른 정류장
63rd Street & Lansdowne Avenue
Lansdowne Avenue & 62nd Street
Lansdowne Avenue & 61st Street
63rd Street & Jefferson Street
63rd Street & Jefferson Street
Lansdowne Avenue & 62nd Street
Lansdowne Avenue & 61st Street
Lansdowne Avenue & 62nd Street
Lansdowne Avenue & 62nd Street
Lansdowne Avenue & 63rd Street
Lansdowne Avenue & 63rd Street
63rd Street & Jefferson Street
63rd Street & Jefferson Street
Haverford Avenue & 63rd Street
Haverford Avenue & 63rd Street