Usuarios estrella
Grand Junction
Mesa County
Estados Unidos de América
24th Street + South of Teller Avenue
Parada 24th Street + South of Teller Avenue
Recorridos de transporte público que paran en esta parada
- Route 5 - Midtown
Recorridos de transporte público que pasan cerca de esta parada (no paran aquí)
- Route 5 - Midtown
Otras paradas cercanas
North Avenue + West of 23rd Street (V.A. Hospital)
North Avenue + East of 23rd Street (Teller Arms)
North Avenue + West of 23rd Street
24th Street + North of Ouray Avenue
24th Street + South of Teller Avenue
23rd Street + South of North Avenue (V.A. Hospital)
23rd Street + South of North Avenue (V.A. Hospital)
24th Street + South of Ouray Avenue