스타 사용자
Manhattan Community Board 4
New York County
New York
West 49th Street & 11th Avenue
버스 정류장 West 49th Street & 11th Avenue
이 정류장에서 정차하는 대중 교통 노선
- NYCB - M50
이 정류장 근처를 경유하는 대중 교통 노선 (여기서는 중단하지 마십시오)
- NYCB - M50
근처의 관심 장소
Stage 48
Irish Arts Center
Park West Educational Campus
Citi Bike - W 46 St & 11 Ave
Daisy May's BBQ USA
Jolly Goat Coffee
Cantina Rooftop
Landmark Tavern
The Daily Show with Trevor Noah
Citi Bike - W 52 St & 11 Ave
Food and Finance High School
Larry Flynt's Hustler Club
Restaurant row
인근의 다른 정류장
12th Avenue/West 46th Street
12th Avenue/West 46th Street
West 50th Street/11th Avenue
West 49th Street/10th Avenue
West 49th Street & 12th Avenue
12th Avenue/West 48th Street
12th Avenue/West 48th Street
West 50th Street & 12th Avenue
West 50th Street/12th Avenue
West 50th Street & 11th Avenue
West 50th Street & 10th Avenue
West 49th Street & 10th Avenue
West 49th Street/11th Avenue
West 49th Street/12th Avenue
12th Avenue/West 46th Street
12th Avenue/West 46th Street