وارد شدن
کاربران ستاره
سان فرانسیسکو
سان فرانسیسکو
ایالات متحده آمریکا
Fillmore Street & Geary Boulevard
ایستگاه Fillmore Street & Geary Boulevard
مسیرهای حمل و نقل عمومی که در این توقف متوقف می شوند
- Muni 22 inbound: Potrero Hill => The Marina
مسیرهای حمل و نقل عمومی که از نزدیکی این توقف عبور می کنند (در اینجا متوقف نشوید)
- Golden Gate Transit 92: Marin City => San Francisco
- Golden Gate Transit 92: San Francisco => Marin City
- Muni 22 inbound: Potrero Hill => The Marina
- Muni 22 outbound: The Marina => Potrero Hill
- Muni 38 inbound: Fort Miley Hospital => Salesforce Transit Center
- Muni 38 inbound: Point Lobos => Salesforce Transit Center
- Muni 38 outbound: Salesforce Transit Center => Fort Miley Hospital
- Muni 38 outbound: Salesforce Transit Center => Point Lobos
- Muni 38R inbound: The Richmond => Salesforce Transit Center
- Muni 38R outbound: Salesforce Transit Center => The Richmond
نقاط مورد علاقه در این نزدیکی هست
Boom Boom Room
Black Bark BBQ
Boba Guys
Royal Indian Cuisine
State Bird Provisions
I'a Poke
Belly Good Cafe & Crepes
Ellis & Fillmore
Sanppo Sushi
Happy Shabu Shabu
Fillmore Billiards
Hashibiro Kou Izakaya
AMC Dine-In Kabuki 8
Wells Fargo
Suzu Noodle House
Academy Bar & Kitchen
Fillmore Street Annex Garage
Extreme Pizza
Wise Sons Bagel & Bakery
Sunday Bird
Kabuki Springs & Spa
Post & Webster (Japan Center)
Panda Express
Steiner Street Station
The Fillmore
Bruno's Pizzeria
Cafè Murano
Sweet Lime
Sweet Maple
Sheba Piano Lounge
سایر توقفها در نزدیکی
Geary Boulevard & Webster Street
Geary Boulevard & Fillmore Street
Geary Boulevard & Fillmore Street
Geary Boulevard & Fillmore Street
Fillmore Street & Eddy Street
Fillmore Street & Eddy Street
Fillmore Street & O'Farrell Street
Fillmore Street & O'Farrell Street
Fillmore Street & Geary Boulevard
Fillmore Street & Sutter Street
Fillmore Street & Sutter Street
Fillmore Street & Pine Street
Fillmore Street & Pine Street
Fillmore Street & O'Farrell Street
Fillmore Street & O'Farrell Street
Fillmore Street & Eddy Street
Geary Boulevard & Fillmore Street
Fillmore Street & Pine Street
Fillmore Street & Pine Street
Fillmore Street & Sutter Street
Fillmore Street & Geary Boulevard
Geary Boulevard & Webster Street
Fillmore Street & Sutter Street
Fillmore Street & Geary Boulevard
Fillmore Street & Eddy Street