스타 사용자
Santa Cruz County
UCSC Campus Loop Shuttle: Main Entrance => Science Hill => Main Entrance (Counter-Clockwise)
UCSC Campus Loop Shuttle: Main Entrance => Science Hill => Main Entrance (Counter-Clockwise)
첫 번째 리뷰 작성
Santa Cruz
루트 근처의 관심 지점
Cardiff House Women's Center 109
Porter Mailroom
Physical Sciences Building 506B
Merril Library
Stevenson 152
PSI Paper
Crown College Admin Building 111
Jack Baskin Engineering Auditorium 102
McHenry Library
Perk Coffee Bar at Physical Sciences
Kresge College Academic Building 152A
Blue Note Café
PSI Dumpster
Jack Baskin Engineering II
Vallier Hall
Baskin Arts Metal Studio P105
PSI Recycling
Hahn Student Services
Crown College Water Filling Station
Campus Fleet Garage 102A
Merrill Library (Casa Latina) 104
PSI Cardboard
Banana Joe's
Rachel Carson/Oakes Dining Hall
Kresge Zipcar
Barn G 128
Theater Arts J Offices
Bay Federal Credit Union
Rachel Carson College Academic Building
Arboretum Horticulture 2 105
Leonardo House
PSI Paper
Crown/Merrill Dining Commons
PSI Humanities Trash Dumpster
PSI Recycling
Redwood Bench
PSI Dumpster
Cowell/Stevenson Dining Commons 156
PSI Recycling
PSI Dumpster
McHenry Library
Terra Fresca Restaurant
Jack Baskin Engineering II
Cook House 100B
Central Heat Plant 206
Stevenson Academic
Rachel Carson College Academic Building
Baskin Arts Multipurpose Studio
Cowell College
CASFS Agroecology Lab 101
PSI Recycling
Earth & Marine Sciences A423
Rachel Carson College Student Commons 205
PSI Dumpster
PSI Compost Compactor
버스 정류장:
UCSC East Remote Parking
High Street & Western Drive
UCSC Porter College
UCSC Science Hill
UCSC Colleges 9 and 10
UCSC Porter College
UCSC Bookstore
High Street & Western Drive
UCSC Lower Campus
UCSC Kresge College
UCSC Oakes College
UCSC East Field House
UCSC Arboretum
UCSC Family Student Housing
UCSC Main Entrance
UCSC Colleges 9 and 10
UCSC Oakes College
UCSC Bookstore
UCSC Arboretum
UCSC Kresge College
UCSC Main Entrance
UCSC Crown and Merrill Colleges
UCSC Lower Campus
UCSC East Field House
UCSC Science Hill
UCSC East Remote Parking
UCSC Crown and Merrill Colleges
UCSC Family Student Housing