Rota Flixbus 2686: Niagara Falls => New York City
Ziyaret edilen yerler
- Town of Mentz
- Denville
- Stroud Township
- Newark
- Lapeer Town
- Town of Van Buren
- Jefferson Township
- Parsippany-Troy Hills
- East Orange
- Homer Town
- Rockaway Township
- Roxbury Township
- Great Bend
- Riga Town
- Pittsford Town
- West Orange
- Tunkhannock Township
- New York County
- Stroudsburg
- Manchester Town
- Clarence Town
- Triangle Town
- Virgil Town
- Farmington Town
- Rochester
- Smithfield Township
- Town of Tully
- East Hanover
- Phelps Town
- Town of LaFayette
- New Milford
- Roseland
- Scranton
- Tyre Town
- Mount Olive
- Netcong
- Orange
- Pocono Township
- Chenango Town
- Victor Town
- Brighton Town
- Preble Town
- Jackson Township
- Junius Town
- Town of Onondaga
- Binghamton
- Kirkwood Town
- Buffalo
- Cheektowaga Town
- Lancaster Town
- Newstead Town
- Town of Brutus
- Tonawanda Town
- Lenox Township
- Town of Elbridge
- Town of Salina
- Hamilton Township
- Lisle Town
- Harrison
- Homer
- Town of Montezuma
- Cortlandville Town
- Dunmore
- Moscow
- Coolbaugh Township
- Tobyhanna Township
- Livingston
- Kearny
- North Bergen
- Secaucus
- Union City
- Mount Arlington
- Wharton
- Harford Township
- Lehigh Township
- Chili Town
- Niagara Falls
- Syracuse
- Weehawken
- Grand Island
- New Milford Township
- Gates Town
- East Stroudsburg
- Delaware Water Gap
- Williamsville
- Perinton Town
- Marathon Town
- Town of Geddes
- Town of Camillus
- Port Byron
- Galeville
- Liverpool
- Manhattan
- Nedrow
- Tonawanda
- Marathon
- Whitney Point
- Mattydale
- Cortland
- East Newark
- Cheektowaga
- Lancaster
- Manhattan Community Board 5
- Manhattan Community Board 4