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Bus 10: Lents => Portland
Bus 10: Lents => Portland
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Tempat menarik berhampiran laluan
Home Base Coffee
Porto Terra
Grandma’s Place Early Learning Center
Saint James Child Development Center
Southeast Clinton at 21st
Southwest 5th at Main
Virginia Cafe
El Brasero
Electric Avenue
Portland Food Hall
Barrio Bar
Farmhouse Cafe
Electric Avenue
Stacked Sandwich Shop
Smart Park
Dragonwell Bistro
Lents Station
Diane Steinbrecher
The Analog Cafe
Park Avenue Cafe
El Nutri Taco
Hope's Deli
Wells Fargo
Southwest Park at the Portland Art Museum
The Whole Bowl
Nossa Familia Coffee
Pizza Schmizza
Perriera Creperie
Terminus Tap Room & Bottle Shop
Amazon Locker
Pastini Pastaria
Good Coffee
Thai Touch Cuisine
Behind the Museum Café
Island Grill
Coco Donut
Southwest 5th at Morrison
Turkey Place
No Fun
Poke Mon
Electric Avenue
Schilling Cider House
Atlas Dental
Flying Elephants Delicatessen
Plaza Deli
Pieology Pizzeria
Therapeutic Associates
City Center Parking
Southeast Steele & 28th
Southeast Harold & 118th
6000 Block Southeast 136th
Southeast Foster & 107th
Southeast Harold & 57th
Southeast Foster & 134th
Southeast Foster & 101st
12900 Block Southeast Harold
Southeast 26th & Tibbetts
Southeast Madison & Grand
Southeast Woodstock & 94th
Southeast Harold & 109th
Southeast Steele & 50th
Southeast Clinton & 23rd
Southeast Harold & 62nd
Southeast Steele & 41st
Southeast Harold & 136th
Southeast Clinton & 21st
Southwest Madison & 4th
Southeast Foster & 94th
Southeast Steele & 36th Place
Southeast Harold & 64th
Southeast Clinton & 26th
Southeast Steele & Cesar Chavez Boulevard
Southeast Steele & 32nd
Southeast Madison & 7th
Southeast 28th & Raymond
Southeast Harold & 60th
Southeast 26th & Powell
Southeast Madison & 11th
Southeast Harold & 92nd
Southeast Harold & 104th
Southeast Ellis & 89th
Southeast Harold & 72nd
Southeast Ladd & 16th
Southeast Ladd & Ladd Circle
Southeast Harold & 69th
Southeast Harold & 128th
Southeast Steele & 30th
Southeast Harold & 122nd
Southeast Harold & 101st
Southeast Steele & 46th
Southeast Ladd & Palm
Southeast 28th & Holgate
11600 Block Southeast Foster
Southeast Foster & 120th
Southeast Steele & 52nd
Southeast Ladd & Hawthorne
12400 Block Southeast Harold
Southeast Harold & 115th
Southeast Ellis & 86th
Southeast 136th & Ramona
Southeast Foster & 82nd
Southeast Foster & 110th Drive
Southeast 26th & Rhone
Southeast Ellis & Foster
Southeast Harold & 133rd
Southeast 79th & Harold
Hawthorne Bridge
Southeast 28th & Gladstone