Route 275 SB: Pontiac => Taylor via Southland
Places that travel to
Points of interest near the route
- Pardee / Superior (SB)
- -83.2856088, 42.5583102
- -83.27124400000001, 42.312592800000004
- Telegraph / Carlysle (SB)
- -83.27297180000001, 42.3296069
- -83.27012660000001, 42.2508847
- Telegraph / Joy (SB)
- -83.2766955, 42.3944324
- -83.2779804, 42.428695600000005
- -83.29507500000001, 42.6383741
- Telegraph / Bloomfield Place (SB)
- -83.28175350000001, 42.4715951
- Pardee / Northline (SB)
- Telegraph / Cromwell NS (SB)
- -83.2859148, 42.5150692
- -83.27583580000001, 42.3722141
- Telegraph / Capitol (SB)
- Perry / Pike (NB)
- 7 Mile / Grandview NS (EB)
- -83.2562604, 42.2046816
- Telegraph / Hickory Grove (SB)
- -83.2705571, 42.2706047
- Telegraph / Midland (SB)
- -83.311689, 42.6356576
- -83.2529305, 42.201313000000006
- Telegraph / 14 Mile (SB)
- -83.2543007, 42.2249423
- -83.2725017, 42.3196412
- Beech Daly / 8 Mile (SB)
- -83.2670437, 42.3126624
- -83.2774883, 42.4167639
- -83.27408650000001, 42.349505400000005
- -83.28568460000001, 42.4429013
- -83.25423760000001, 42.2214903
- Telegraph / Swanson (SB)
- -83.26209510000001, 42.198869300000005
- -83.2857041, 42.4823304
- Telegraph / Acacia (SB)
- Telegraph / Sargent (SB)
- Telegraph / Princeton (SB)
- Telegraph / 12 Mile (SB)
- -83.27923630000001, 42.4664207
- Telegraph / 9 Mile (SB)
- Beech Daly / Grand River (SB)
- Telegraph / Curtis (SB)
- -83.2708272, 42.276130200000004
- -83.2788546, 42.4626473
- -83.2540484, 42.2161587
- -83.2663088, 42.2265212
- -83.2757883, 42.368171800000006
- -83.30973370000001, 42.6357068
- Telegraph / Huron (SB)
- Telegraph / Ford NS (SB)
- -83.3117733, 42.6149544
- -83.32513680000001, 42.624381500000005
- -83.3060883, 42.6118418
- -83.276324, 42.383143700000005
- -83.274394, 42.353030100000005
- Telegraph / Glendale (SB)
- -83.2699204, 42.2449324