وارد شدن
کاربران ستاره
ایالات متحده آمریکا
Solano County
Curtola Park and Ride Hub
چگونه به آن برسیم
Curtola Park and Ride Hub
اولین نظر را بنویسید
Solano County Transit
در نقشه تعاملی مشاهده کنید
مسیرهای حمل و نقل عمومی که کنار این مکان می گذرد
- SolanoExpress Red Line: El Cerrito del Norte BART => Vallejo Transit Center
- SolanoExpress Red Line: El Cerrito del Norte BART => Vallejo Transit Center => Sereno Transit Center (late nights)
- SolanoExpress Red Line: El Cerrito del Norte BART => Vallejo Transit Center => Solano Town Center
- SolanoExpress Red Line: El Cerrito del Norte BART => Vallejo Transit Center => Suisun-Fairfield Amtrak
- SolanoExpress Red Line: Sereno Transit Center => Vallejo Transit Center => El Cerrito del Norte BART (early mornings)
- SolanoExpress Red Line: Solano Town Center => Vallejo Transit Center => El Cerrito del Norte BART
- SolanoExpress Red Line: Suisun-Fairfield Amtrak => Vallejo Transit Center => El Cerrito del Norte BART
- SolanoExpress Red Line: Vallejo Transit Center => El Cerrito del Norte BART
- SolanoExpress Yellow Line: Vallejo => Pleasant Hill => Walnut Creek
- SolanoExpress Yellow Line: Vallejo => Sunvalley Mall => Walnut Creek
- SolanoExpress Yellow Line: Vallejo => Vallejo Ferry Terminal => Sunvalley Mall => Walnut Creek
- SolanoExpress Yellow Line: Vallejo => Vallejo Ferry Terminal => Walnut Creek
- SolanoExpress Yellow Line: Vallejo => Walnut Creek
- SolanoExpress Yellow Line: Walnut Creek => Sunvalley Mall => Vallejo
- SolanoExpress Yellow Line: Walnut Creek => Vallejo
- SolanoExpress Yellow Line: Walnut Creek => Vallejo Ferry Terminal => Vallejo
- SolTrans 3: Vallejo Transit Center => Beverly Hills
- SolTrans 82: San Francisco Ferry Building => El Cerrito del Norte BART => Vallejo Transit Center => Sereno Transit Center
- SolTrans 82: Vallejo Transit Center => El Cerrito del Norte BART => San Francisco Ferry Building
ایستگاه های نزدیک
Curtola Park and Ride Hub
Curtola Park and Ride Hub
Curtola Park and Ride Hub
Curtola Park and Ride Hub
Curtola Park and Ride Hub