스타 사용자
Santa Cruz County
Santa Cruz
PSI Dumpster
에가는 방법
PSI Dumpster
첫 번째 리뷰 작성
Outside College 10 Resident Hall 6
이 장소 옆을 통과하는 대중 교통 노선
- SCMTD 10: Santa Cruz => UCSC
- SCMTD 15: UCSC => Santa Cruz
- SCMTD 16: Santa Cruz => UCSC
- SCMTD 19: UCSC => Santa Cruz
- SCMTD 20D: Bay & Laguna => UCSC
- SCMTD 20: Santa Cruz => Delaware & Swift => Pacific Shores => UCSC
- SCMTD 20: Santa Cruz => Delaware & Swift => UCSC
- SCMTD 20: Santa Cruz => Mission & Miramar => UCSC (evenings)
- SCMTD 22: Seymour Center => UCSC
- UCSC Campus Loop Shuttle: Barn Theater => Science Hill => Barn Theater (Clockwise)
- UCSC Campus Loop Shuttle: Main Entrance => Science Hill => Main Entrance (Counter-Clockwise)
- UCSC Night Core Blue Shuttle: Quarry Plaza => West Remote Parking => Quarry Plaza (Counter-Clockwise)
- UCSC Night Core Gold Plus Shuttle: Quarry Plaza => West Remote Parking => Science Hill => Quarry Plaza (Clockwise)
- UCSC Night Core Gold Shuttle: Quarry Plaza => Science Hill => Quarry Plaza (Clockwise)
- UCSC Upper Campus Shuttle: East Remote Parking => West Remote Parking
- UCSC Upper Campus Shuttle: West Remote Parking => East Remote Parking
주변 정거장
UCSC Colleges 9 and 10
UCSC Colleges 9 and 10
UCSC Colleges 9 and 10
Social Sciences 2
UCSC Colleges 9 and 10
Social Sciences 2