스타 사용자
Santa Cruz
Santa Cruz County
UCSC Science Hill
버스 정류장 UCSC Science Hill
이 정류장에서 정차하는 대중 교통 노선
- SCMTD 15: Santa Cruz => UCSC
- SCMTD 15: UCSC => Santa Cruz
- SCMTD 19: Santa Cruz => UCSC
- SCMTD 19: UCSC => Santa Cruz
- UCSC Campus Loop Shuttle: Barn Theater => Science Hill => Barn Theater (Clockwise)
- UCSC Night Core Gold Plus Shuttle: Quarry Plaza => West Remote Parking => Science Hill => Quarry Plaza (Clockwise)
- UCSC Night Core Gold Shuttle: Quarry Plaza => Science Hill => Quarry Plaza (Clockwise)
- UCSC Upper Campus Shuttle: West Remote Parking => East Remote Parking
이 정류장 근처를 경유하는 대중 교통 노선 (여기서는 중단하지 마십시오)
- SCMTD 10: Santa Cruz => UCSC
- SCMTD 10: UCSC => Santa Cruz
- SCMTD 15: Santa Cruz => UCSC
- SCMTD 15: UCSC => Santa Cruz
- SCMTD 16: Santa Cruz => UCSC
- SCMTD 16: UCSC => Santa Cruz
- SCMTD 19: Santa Cruz => UCSC
- SCMTD 19: UCSC => Santa Cruz
- SCMTD 20D: Bay & Laguna => UCSC
- SCMTD 20D: UCSC => Delaware & Liberty
- SCMTD 20: Santa Cruz => Delaware & Swift => Pacific Shores => UCSC
- SCMTD 20: Santa Cruz => Delaware & Swift => UCSC
- SCMTD 20: Santa Cruz => Mission & Miramar => UCSC (evenings)
- SCMTD 20: UCSC => Delaware & Swift => Santa Cruz
- SCMTD 20: UCSC => Mission & Miramar => Santa Cruz (evenings)
- SCMTD 20: UCSC => Pacific Shores => Delaware & Swift => Santa Cruz
- SCMTD 22: Seymour Center => UCSC
- SCMTD 22: UCSC => Seymour Center
- UCSC Campus Loop Shuttle: Barn Theater => Science Hill => Barn Theater (Clockwise)
- UCSC Campus Loop Shuttle: Main Entrance => Science Hill => Main Entrance (Counter-Clockwise)
- UCSC Night Core Blue Shuttle: Quarry Plaza => West Remote Parking => Quarry Plaza (Counter-Clockwise)
- UCSC Night Core Gold Plus Shuttle: Quarry Plaza => West Remote Parking => Science Hill => Quarry Plaza (Clockwise)
- UCSC Night Core Gold Shuttle: Quarry Plaza => Science Hill => Quarry Plaza (Clockwise)
- UCSC Upper Campus Shuttle: East Remote Parking => West Remote Parking
- UCSC Upper Campus Shuttle: West Remote Parking => East Remote Parking
근처의 관심 장소
Communications 124C
Jack Baskin Engineering 58
Perk Coffee Bar
Thimann Lecture Hall Women’s Restroom
Natural Sciences 2
Biomedical Sciences
Jack Baskin Engineering Auditorium 102
Communications Bldg Water Filling Station
Physical Sciences Building 506A
PSI Dumpster
Natural Sciences 2
Earth & Marine Sciences
Thimann Laboratories 481
Sinsheimer Labs
Raymond's Food Truck
Jack Baskin Engineering 60
Kresge Zipcar
Baskin Engineering Auditorium
ISB Water Filling Station
Science & Engineering Library
Physical Sciences Building 506B
Communications 124B
Interdisciplinary Sciences Building
Physical Sciences Building 164
Perk Coffee Bar at Baskin
PSI Dumpster
Cruz N Gourmet Food Truck
Jack Baskin Engineering Auditorium 103
Science & Engineering Library
Thimann Lecture Hall Men’s Restroom
Central Heat Plant 206
Jack Baskin Engineering II
Graduate Student Housing
Jack Baskin Engineering II
Thimann Laboratories 468A
Center for Adaptive Optics 112
Central Heat Plant 205
Engineering 2 Water Filling Station
Perk Coffee Bar at Physical Sciences
Center for Adaptive Optics 210
인근의 다른 정류장
UCSC Colleges 9 and 10
UCSC Colleges 9 and 10
UCSC Science Hill
UCSC Kresge College
UCSC Science Hill
UCSC Kresge College
UCSC Colleges 9 and 10
Social Sciences 2
UCSC Science Hill
UCSC Kerr Hall
UCSC Kerr Hall
UCSC Kresge College
UCSC Kresge College
UCSC Colleges 9 and 10
Social Sciences 2